Every Kingdom (2011, Island)
Deux accords de guitare pour les couplets, trois pour le refrain. Émerge de ce petit rien un chant simple, divin et mélancolique, qui s'étoffe insensiblement d'autres sons, de plus en plus riches. Mais voilà que le coeur se fait gros lui aussi, au fur et à mesure que la musique gagne en amplitude et les mots en tristesse. Les mouches noires qui dansent devant les yeux prennent des airs de souvenirs, de soupirs, de regrets... Sans même qu'on s'en aperçoive, cette chanson a découvert et crocheté sans problème la boîte à secrets que l'on garde pourtant bien dissimulée sous un air désinvolte. J'ai beau aimer m'abandonner aux beautés tourmentées, je dois admettre que celle-ci laisse un arrière-goût d'amertume et d'échec particulièrement violent.
9 mars 2012
Rees-Haldern (Allemagne), 11 août 2011.
Paroles et musique : Ben Howard.
Black flies on the windowsill
That we are
That we are
That we are to know
Winter stole summer's thrill
And the river's cracked and cold
See the sky is no man's land
A darkened plume to stay
Hope here needs a humble hand
Not a fox found in your place
And no man is an island, oh this I know
But can't you see, oh?
Maybe you were the ocean, when I was just a stone
Black flies on the windowsill
That we are
That we are
That we are to hold
Comfort came against my will
And every story must grow old
Still I'll be a traveller
A gypsy's reins to face
But the road is wearier
With that fool found in your place
And no man is an island, oh this I know
But can't you see, oh?
Maybe you were the ocean, when I was just a stone
And no man is an island, oh this I know
But can't you see, oh?
Maybe you were the ocean, when I was just a stone
So here we are
And I don't wanna beg your pardon
And I don't wanna ask you why
But if I was to go my own way
Would I have to pass you by?